Survey 3 – next workshop,
The FY2024 INFUSE in-person workshop was held from February 27-28, 2024 at Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory.
The INFUSE workshop focused on opportunities for networking and discussing areas of growth in the program. The agenda and poster information is listed below with links to presentations.
INFUSE Workshop
February 27-28, 2024
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Melvin B. Gottlieb Auditorium
Tuesday February 27, 2024
8:00 AM Registration open and poster setup (Main Lobby)
9:00 AM Welcome (Cowley), Safety (ES&H), and Opening (Lumsdaine, Gilson, Nehl)
9:30 AM FES Perspective (Mandrekas)
9:45 AM Update from the Office of the Under Secretary for Science & Innovation (Hsu)
10:00 AM Poster lightning talks
10:25 AM Coffee break / Poster discussions
11:00 AM State of the fusion industry (Holland)
11:30 AM Lunch (on site) + Poster discussions
12:45 PM INFUSE success stories
- Characterization of predicted confinement and transport in an ARC-class tokamak power plant, Chris Holland, (UC San Diego)
- High heat flux exposures of tungsten and novel tungsten alloys for plasma facing components, Travis Gray, (ORNL)
- Characterization of plasma stability during magnetized target fusion compression, Aaron Froese, (General Fusion)
- Fabrication and characterization of transition metal hydrides for radiation shielding in tokamak devices, Caitlin Kohnert, (LANL) remote
- INFUSE blanket projects, Richard Pearson, (Kyoto Fusioneering)
- Simulations of global stability in the C-2W device, Elena Belova, (PPPL)
3:15 PM Coffee break / Poster discussions
4:30 PM Panel discussion on early INFUSE cycles (Diallo, Youchison)
5:15 PM Closing Remarks & INFUSE Program Updates (Lumsdaine)
5:30 PM End of Day 1
Wednesday February 28, 2024
8:30 AM Technical discussions
GAIN (Lohse)
DEI (Dominguez, Shaw)
ITER Data requests (Lumsdaine)
10:00 AM Coffee break / Poster discussions
10:45 AM CRADA process (Zimmerman, Paulus, Mempin)
11:45 AM Lunch (on site) + Poster discussions
1:15 PM PPPL Tour
3:45 PM Townhall meeting on INFUSE future
4:45 PM INFUSE in the FES landscape (Allain)
5:30 PM Close
Poster Information
Poster instructions
- Posters will be placed in the entryway, just outside of the seminar room where the INFUSE workshop will take place.
- Discussions can take place around posters during coffee breaks and lunch breaks.
- Poster boards are 4′ x 8′.
- Posters should be put up between 8-9am on Tuesday, 2/27, and taken down after lunch on Wednesday, 2/28.
Capabilities posters
Title | Presenter | Affiliation |
BNL Capabilities for the Fusion Community | Kathleen Amm | Brookhaven National Lab |
Fusion-Relevant Technology Development at Fermilab | Stephen Gourlay | Fermilab |
ANL Capabilities for Fusion Breeding Blanket | Thanh Hua | Argonne National Laboratory |
ANL Capabilities for Fusion Research | Thanh Hua | Argonne National Laboratory |
LBNL Capabilities for Fusion Partnerships | Soren Prestemon | Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Sandia Capabilities for Fusion Partnerships | Rob Kolasinski | Sandia National Laboratory |
ORNL Capabilities for Fusion Partnerships | Arnie Lumsdaine | Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
PPPL Capabilities for Fusion Partnerships | Erik Gilson | Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory |
INL Capabilities for Fusion Partnerships | Masa Shimada | Idaho National Laboratory |
Los Alamos National Laboratory’s capabilities to advance both magnetic and inertial fusion energy partnerships | John Kline | Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Fusion Capabilities at PNNL: Scalable Manufacturing, Multi-scale Modeling, Mechanical Testing, Atomic-Resolution Characterization, and Tritium Science | Dalong Zhang | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
SRNL Fusion Program Partnering Opportunities | Luke Olson | Savannah River National Laboratory |
Equilibrium, Stability, and Disruption Calculations Supporting the Design & Assembly of the SPARC Tokamak | Carlos Paz-Soldan | Columbia University |
Extreme Environment Electron Beam High Heat Flux Testing and Evaluation Capabilities | Ryan L. Romesberg | Penn State ARL |
Technical Posters
Title | Presenter | Affiliation |
Fusion Device Comprehensive Neutronics Analysis and Multiphysics Coupling | Jin Whan Bae | Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
SCLL Fusion Blanket Design & Tritium Breeding Analysis with PHITS: EX-Fusion & UC Berkeley Collaboration | Max Monange | EX-Fusion |
Hybrid Magneto-Electrostatic Orbitron Fusion Reactor: Overview of Scientific Program at Avalanche Energy | Robin Langtry | Avalanche Energy |
Materials Synthesis, Scalable Manufacturing, Extreme Environment Testing, and Performance Evaluation Capabilities | Christopher DeSalle | Penn State ARL |
Gyrokinetic-Optimized Equilibria For a Spherical Fusion Pilot Plant | Jason Parisi | Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory |
Mechanical Characterization of PFC Candidate Fine-Grain Dispersion-Strengthened Tungsten Materials | Zak Koyn | Energy Driven Technologies, LLC |
Extended-MHD simulations of disruption mitigation via massive gas injection in SPARC | Andreas Kleiner | Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory |
Stable Plasma Confinement by Cross-Helicity Generation at the Alfvén Velocity | Daniel Prater | Second Sun Energy |
Fiber Optic Tritium Gas Detector | Roman Samulyak | Penn State University |
Tritium Fuel Cycle Modelling and Optimization to Enable Fusion Pilot Plant Development | Patrick Ellis | General Fusion |
Machine learning assisted multi-scale multi-physics modeling of Plasma facing materials under thermal shocks | Mohammed Alnaggar | Oak Ridge National Laboratory |