- 2022a CFS/UCSD Turbulent Transport and Confinement in ARC
- 2022a GF/SRNL Tritium Fuel Cycle Modelling and Optimization
- 2022a MIFT/UR 3D Modeling of Staged Z-pinch with FLASH
- Slide 2022a MIFT/UR 3D Modeling of Staged Z-pinch with FLASH
- 2022a TAE/UR THz Radiation for B-Field Measurement of Burning Plasma
- 2020b CFS/ORNL Boundary Modeling for SPARC Diagnostic & Actuators
- Slide 2020b MIFT/LLNL Z-pinch modeling with HYDRA and CHICAGO
- Slide 2020b PFS/ORNL Magnetic Field Vector Measurements Using DFSS
- Slide 2020b TAE/ORNL Measurement of Field using DFSS in C-2W FRC
- Slide 2020b TAE/PPPL High-Flux FRC Formation via Spheromak Merging
- 2020b TE/LANL transition metal hydrides for radiation shielding
- Slide 2020b TE/PPPL XGC1 predictions of tokamak Scrape of Layer width
- 2020a CFS/INL Tritium Accountancy and Safety LIB
- 2020a CFS/LLNL 3D Field Physics of the Non Axisymmetric Coil
- 2020a CFS/ORNL Manufacturing Workflows for Tokamak Components
- 2020a GF/PPPL Stability Analysis for Magnetized Target Fusion
- Slide 2020a GF/PPPL Stability Analysis for Magnetized Target Fusion
- 2020a TAE/ORNL phased array HHFW antenna & load resilient matching
- 2020a TE/ORNL Conceptual Design of a Pellet Injector for ST-40
- 2020a TE/PPPL Investigating microstability characteristics of tokamaks
- 2019b ACT/LBNL modeling toolbox for CORC® cable performance
- Slide 2019b ACT/LBNL modeling toolbox for CORC® cable performance
- 2019b CFS/BNL Superconducting Cable Quench Detection
- Slide 2019b CFS/BNL Superconducting Cable Quench Detection
- 2019b CFS/LLNL Divertor Plasma Simulations
- Slide 2019b CFS/PPPL Divertor Plasma Simulations
- 2019b CFS/ORNL Divertor Component Testing
- Slide 2019b CFS/PPPL Divertor Component Testing
- 2019b CFS/PPPL Alpha Particle Diagnostics Simulation
- Slide 2019b CFS/PPPL Alpha Particle Diagnostics Simulation
- Slide 2019b HJF/LANL 3D MHD Simulations Support for PJMIF
- 2019b HS/LANL Simulation of Plectoneme Formation
- Slide 2019b HS/LANL Simulation of Plectoneme Formation
- 2019b TAE/ORNL DFSS for Field Measurements in an FRC plasma
- Slide 2019b TAE/ORNL DFSS for Field Measurements in an FRC plasma
- 2019b TAE/PPPL HHFW as an electron heating actuator for a FRC plasma
- Slide 2019b TAE/PPPL HHFW as an electron heating actuator for plasma
- 2019b TAE/PPPL Simulations of Global Stability in the C-2W Device
- Slide 2019b TAE/PPPL Simulations of Global Stability in the C-2W Device