
Both plasma and engineering diagnostics fall under the Diagnostics area. Assistance with calibrating and testing new plasma and nuclear diagnostics is available at DOE laboratories and participating universities. Help with active cooling and radiation protection is available. The public institutions can assist with advanced manufacturing to reduce cost and speed the deployment of new diagnostics. A variety of plasma test stands are available for testing and calibration. The laboratories can assist with materials compatibility, remote operation, EMI shielding, instrumentation, rad-hard electronics and interfacing.

Many of the diagnostics developed at the participating institutes over the last fifty years can be made available to private companies and adapted for use on their own machines through collaboration with the INFUSE institutions.  ARPA-e recently established Diagnostic Resource Teams to support validation of transformative fusion-energy concepts.  Several of those teams are hosted at the national laboratories  participating in INFUSE and can be accessed through the INFUSE program.  A list of the capability teams can be found here.  Please contact the laboratory POC or the listed principal investigator directly to begin a dialog leading to an INFUSE RFA proposal.

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