2021 2nd call reviews completed
The second round (2021b) RFA reviews have been completed. A special thank you to all reviewers who submitted their evaluations in a timely manner. Your time and expertise are greatly appreciated.
Innovation network for fusion energy
The second round (2021b) RFA reviews have been completed. A special thank you to all reviewers who submitted their evaluations in a timely manner. Your time and expertise are greatly appreciated.
Is a COTS program for fusion in our future? See this recent Forbes article.
Department of Energy’s (DOE) High Performance Computing for Energy Innovation (HPC4EI) Program Fall 2020 Solicitation The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) High Performance Computing for Energy Innovation Initiative will issue a Fall 2020 solicitation in November, covering the High Performance Computing for Manufacturing (HPC4Mfg) and High Performance Computing for Materials (HPC4Mtls) programs. More information can […]
The DOE Office of Science has issued a press release on the 1st round 2020 INFUSE awards. The list of awards and abstracts can be found here: 1st round 2020 award list. Congratulations to the successful RFA candidates. The company and lab PIs were notified in June, and many of these projects are ready to […]
The third annual INFUSE Workshop was held on December 16, 2021. It was a virtual 1 day workshop on ZOOM and was co-sponsored by the Fusion Industry Association. 2019 and 2020 INFUSE project reports and lab capability updates were presented. The new pilot program for university participation in the next RFA call was described. Several […]
The awards from the second 2020 INFUSE call were announced. Please see https://www.ornl.gov/news/second-round-2020-public-private-partnership-awards-announced-infuse-fusion-program for a description of the program and an award list. A list of companies, contacts and project abstracts can be found here. Congratulations to the award recipients. The 1st round 2021 INFUSE submission period will begin in January 2021.
Reviews for the first-round of 2020 INFUSE RFA applications were complete on June 08. The results were transmitted to DOE SC FES for final determinations. A total of 25 applications were reviewed. The reviewer response rate was 95% with most applications receiving 3 qualified reviews. Many thanks to the reviewers for volunteering their time and […]
A brief Q&A webinar on the second round 2021 INFUSE RFA Call was held on Thursday, July 29, 2021 at 11:30 am EDT via MS Teams. A brief presentation of the new vetting and account log in process can now be found in the library.
The first 2020 call for INFUSE RFA applications is now closed. The second 2020 RFA call will likely occur in July. The first FY2020 INFUSE RFA Call opened on February 24. Proposals were due on the INFUSE submission site by Friday April 24. The five topical areas remain the same; however, restrictions on the number […]
The 1st round of INFUSE awards for 2021 were selected in May. E-mail notifications and reviewer feedback were issued on July 1 for each RFA application. Nine awards were made from 16 applications. The list of awardees and project abstracts can be found here. A cumulative listing of all INFUSE awards can be found in the library. […]