WANDA Meeting

The next Workshop for Applied Nuclear Data Activities (WANDA2024) will be held on December 12, 1:00-2:00pm (ET).

According to the organizers, “the purpose of WANDA is to bring subject matter experts from the national laboratories, universities, and industry together with government program managers and their advisors to develop collaborative plans of action (e.g., roadmaps) to address outstanding issues in nuclear data that effect applications ranging from nuclear energy to national security to isotope production.”

The agenda for the Dec 12th meeting:

  1. Brief introductions
  2. Background on why the nuclear data community is addressing fusion energy needs
  3. Describe the Nuclear Data Working Group (NDWG) and Nuclear Data Interagency Working Group (NDIAWG)
  4. Provide information on WANDA2024 and how WANDA leads to nuclear data improvements
  5. What types of information do we need from fusion energy experts
  6. Answer questions

Please contact Catherine E Romano ([email protected]) if you wish to participate in this meeting.