2019 INFUSE Awards

Company: Advanced Conductor Technologies, DUNS: 969353734

Title: Development of a modeling toolbox for CORC® cable performance evaluation


Advanced Conductor Technologies and SuperPower Inc. require the assistance of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) to develop a simulative tool that would create a deeper understanding of current distribution between tapes in CORC® cables for fusion magnet in the presence of common performance variations within REBCO tapes when operating at high magnetic fields. Such tool, which would be developed under the “Enabling technologies including new and improved magnets” topic area, would allow tailoring the design of CORC® cables for fusion magnets based on actual REBCO tape performance variations to ensure their optimum operation and prevent conductor burnout during a magnet quench. The model should be based on actual REBCO tape performance, with emphasis on variations in high-field REBCO tape performance due to variations in chemistry and processing conditions, and other key parameters such as contact resistance between REBCO tapes in CORC® cables.

Co. PI: Dr. Danko Van der Laan

Laboratory: LBNL

Lab PI: Dr. Steven Gourlay


Company: Commonwealth Fusion Systems, DUNS: 117005109

Title: Superconducting Cable Quench Detection


This project will enable Commonwealth Fusion Systems (CFS) to pursue its cable development program by using the 10-T Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) dipole magnet, DCC017. CFS and BNL will work together on cable design and construction, cable instrumentation, design and construction of a cable test fixture, quench testing at 4 K temperatures, and quench data analysis.

Co. PI: Dr. Brandon Sorbom

Laboratory: BNL

Lab PI: Dr. Ramesh Gupta


Company: Commonwealth Fusion Systems, DUNS: 117005109

Title: Divertor Component Testing


Power exhaust is an immense challenge in tokamaks. Commonwealth Fusion Systems (CFS), in collaboration with MIT and others, is designing and building a compact, high-field tokamak for the demonstration of net fusion energy, called SPARC. A successful SPARC divertor will require very carefully engineered and qualified divertor tiles and cassettes to handle the cyclic thermal loading. Testing of materials and components under relevant heat flux conditions is a necessary step for developing a robust and reliable power exhaust system. Here we plan to use the high-heat flux testing expertise maintained by ORNL, used in support of NSTX-U, to demonstrate the thermal performance of tungsten-coated graphitic foam targets, to help CFS and its collaborators assess the performance of base materials and divertor mockups under SPARC-like divertor heat flux conditions.

Co. PI: Dr. Dan Brunner

Laboratory: ORNL

Lab PI: Dr. Travis Gray


Company: Commonwealth Fusion Systems, DUNS: 117005109

Title: Divertor Plasma Simulations


Power exhaust is an immense and unsolved challenge in tokamaks. The intensity of the boundary plasma in present experiments falls far short of the conditions expected in net-energy tokamaks. This project will allow CFS to use the unique UEDGE plasma neutral simulation code to simulate boundary plasmas under conditions relevant to its net-energy tokamak device, called SPARC.

Co. PI: Dr. Dan Brunner

Laboratory: LLNL

Lab PI: Dr. Maxim Umansky


Company: Commonwealth Fusion Systems., DUNS: 117005109

Title: Alpha Particle Diagnostics Simulation


Measuring and understanding the physics of transport of fast ions is an important part of the missions of TFTR, JET, ITER and SPARC, because it affects both plasma performance (MHD stability and plasma heating) and survival of the first wall. A well-designed diagnostic set will be required to study the transport and loss of energetic ions from both classical (ripple) and MHD-driven mechanisms. Careful simulations of the expected properties of the energetic ion populations must first be carried out to optimally design, and position the diagnostics that are required to adequately test the transport models. This project aims to lay out the requirements for alpha-particle diagnostics, especially lost alphas, by predicting how these particles are expected to behave under conditions relevant to SPARC, CFS’ break-even tokamak. We will use two sets of code developed and maintained by the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory to perform calculations of fast-ion losses in SPARC arising from toroidal field (TF) ripple and magnetohydrodynamic effects.

Co. PI: Dr. Steve Scott

Laboratory: PPPL

Lab PI: Dr. Gerrit Kramer and Dr. Mario Podesta


Company: HelicitySpace, DUNS: 117087016

Title: Development of a High-Current Solid-State Switch for Magneto-Inertial Fusion


Magneto-inertial fusion attempts to satisfy the Lawson criterion in short pulses of the order of plasma energy confinement times. The power systems for this class of fusion concepts generally require large (> 1 MA) level currents delivered very rapidly. Delivering electricity to the grid will then require high frequency pulses (~ 1 Hz). There is therefore a strong need for switches capable of satisfying these requirements. The project seeks to develop power stacks capable of scaling up to these requirements based on light-activated thyristors that promise to provide more compact, robust and scalable switches for magneto-inertial fusion concepts.

Co. PI: Dr. Setthivoine You

Laboratory: PPPL

Lab PI: Mr. Clement Bovet


Company: HelicitySpace, DUNS: 117087016

Title: Simulation of Plectoneme Formation


Plectonemes are non-axisymmetric Taylor states recently discovered in the SSX and MOCHI experiments. These experiments have observed remarkable stability and long lifetimes, without close-fitting walls in some cases, despite their non-axisymmetric nature. The Helicity Drive is an innovative fusion energy concept that exploits these properties together with magnetic reconnection heating and passive magnetic compression to achieve triple products sufficient for net energy gain. The company has detailed physics calculations that estimate the scaling of plasma parameters and triple product with input parameters based on prior laboratory experience. This project seeks to perform high-performance 3D MHD numerical simulations of the formation process of plectonemes to improve the understanding of the SSX and MOCHI results, and help enable predictive capabilities for the Helicity Drive concept.

Co. PI: Dr. Setthivoine You

Laboratory: LANL

Lab PI: Dr. Hui Li


Company: Hyperjet Fusion Corp., DUNS: 080736078

Title: 3D MHD Simulations Support for PJMIF


This project uses assistance from the national labs in conducting credible 3D MHD simulations of our proposed target formation approach, assessing relevant merging conditions of the compact toroids that can be created in the near term and to assess the magnetic topology and plasma properties that can be obtained. These simulations are challenging because they require the study of a complicated magnetic topology in 3D, varying over a wide range of physical length scales as the compact toroids converge and stagnate, and have proved well beyond the capabilities of codes we have been able to access in the commercial space.

Co. PI: Dr. Franklin Witherspoon

Laboratory: LANL

Lab PI: Dr. Glen Wurden and/or Dr. Samuel Langendorf


Company: Proton Scientific Technologies, Inc., DUNS: 094571076

Title: Request for assistance in developing x-ray diagnostics to quantify properties of tightly focused electron beam at compact pulse power generator Thunderbird


Proton Scientific Technologies, Inc. will use assistance from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) in development, testing and calibration of x-ray diagnostics to characterize the radiation sources created by electron beam interaction with metallic anode surface in experiments at the Thunderbird generator. Requested diagnostics include (1) an array of three fast diamond photo conducting diode (PCD) detectors along with a Si-diode (SiD) detector with interchangeable filters to distinguish between the different types of radiation (K-shell, L-shell, M-shell, K-alpha etc. for elements ranging from from Al to W) and (2) a hard x-ray imaging system with the desirable resolution up to 10 microns. Expected benefits include comprehensive characterization of the electron beam dynamics through quantification of parameters such as the beam diameter and the radiation pulse widths and amplitudes in various spectral ranges from extreme ultraviolet (EUV) to soft- and hard- x-ray radiation. This data will allow electron beam diode optimization and numerical and analytical model benchmarking to provide accurate projections toward fusion energy levels. The LLNL has extensive, unique expertise in development, testing and calibrating the requested diagnostics for x-ray sources (size, radiation pulse widths, spectral ranges) with similar characteristics.

Co. PI: Dr. Andrey Esaulov

Laboratory: LLNL


Company: TAE Technologies, Inc., DUNS: 065262557

Title: Simulations of Global Stability in the C-2W Device


TAE Technologies, Inc. plans to use the HYM 3D particle-in-cell code developed at PPPL to study the synergistic effects of neutral beam injection and end biasing on the global stability of FRC plasmas in conditions relevant to the C-2W experimental device and the planned next-step device, Copernicus.

Co. PI: Dr. Sean Dettrick

Laboratory: PPPL

Lab PI: Dr Elena Belova


Company: TAE Technologies, Inc., DUNS: 065262557

Title: Doppler-Free Saturation Spectroscopy (DFSS) for Magnetic and Electric Field Measurements in an FRC plasma


This project examines the feasibility of implementing Doppler Free Saturation Spectroscopy (DFSS) to measure the magnetic and electric fields profiles in the Field Reversed Configuration (FRC) plasma of TAE’s C-2W device. There are two primary objectives,

1) An error analysis will be conducted to determine the minimum magnetic and electric field that can be determined by DFSS, and measurement uncertainty as a function of magnetic and electric field magnitude and direction. Potential sources of systematic error will be identified using C-2W plasma parameters.

2) Recommend preliminary design for the DFSS system based on C-2W machine parameters, accessibility, and the desired spatial and temporal resolution.

Co. PI: Dr. Deepak Gupta

Laboratory: ORNL

Lab PI: Dr. Elijah Martin


Company: TAE Technologies, Inc., DUNS: 065262557

Title: Developing high harmonic fast wave (HHFW) as an enabling electron heating actuator for an FRC plasma


The main task of this project is to perform HHFW simulations in FRC plasma by using Petra-M code and the 4-strap antenna geometry implemented in LArge Plasma Device (LAPD) under different plasma conditions, for example, at (1) the different phasing between straps, (2) the different external magnetic field (thus different RF frequency), and (3) the different antenna radial position. Furthermore, due to compact and limited space near the midplane of C-2W, the impact of the different number of antenna straps will be also explored in order to improve the antenna design and its performance. A study of high power enabling HHFW antenna design will be considered using the HHFW engineering and simulation tools developed at PPPL.

A possible verification activity with the experimental data (RF wave magnetic fields at both the near and far field measured by B-dot magnetic probes) for the HHFW phased-array (4-strap) antenna in LAPD will be also considered.

Co. PI: Dr. Xiaokang Yang

Laboratory: PPPL

Lab PI: Dr. Nicola Bertelli