Development of a High-Flux Inductive Spheromak Gun for FRC Formation via Counter-Helicity Merging Published: October 25, 2023October 26, 2023
Performance-structure characterization to improve REBCO Fusion conductor production at SuperPower Published: October 25, 2023October 26, 2023
Hard x-ray imaging and characterization of staged z-pinch plasmas in order to exclude ion beams as cause of fusion Published: October 25, 2023October 26, 2023
Observing Density Evolution During Merging of Plectonemic Taylor states Published: October 25, 2023October 26, 2023
Beyond Neoclassical Closures for MHD Simulation of General Fusion Devices via Kinetic Monte Carlo Calculations Published: October 25, 2023October 25, 2023
Tritium Fuel Cycle Modelling and Optimization to Enable Fusion Pilot Plant Development Published: October 25, 2023October 25, 2023