Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL) and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) are together building a new High Field Vertical Magnet Test Facility (HFVMTF) for testing high-temperature superconducting cables in a high magnetic dipole field. The HFVMTF is jointly funded by the US DOE Office of Science’s Fusion Energy Sciences and High Energy Physics programs. HFVMTF will serve both communities as a superconducting cable test facility in high magnetic fields and in a wide range of temperatures.
The facility, located at FNAL, will have capabilities similar to or better than EDIPO at PSI and FRESCA2 at CERN. LBNL will provide a magnet operating at 1.9 K in superfluid helium to produce a background magnetic field of 15 T. The SC samples will be placed in the background magnetic field, cooled to a temperature of between 4.5 K and a user-specified maximum, and possibly powered with a superconducting transformer up to 100 kA.
The purpose of the first workshop is to establish connections between prospective users and the facility design team. The primary goal will be to receive users’ feedback on facility specifications, mainly the sample holder and instrumentation interfaces, as well as on operating ranges for the samples in the test well.
The workshop will take place on half-days via Zoom on November 21-22 (tentative).
Please contact George Velev ([email protected]), Soren Prestemon ([email protected]), or Denise Johnson ([email protected]) for more information and about participation in the workshop.