Webinar for FY2024 RFA
A webinar will be held on December 14, noon-1:00pm (EST) to describe the FY2024 RFA.
Innovation network for fusion energy
A webinar will be held on December 14, noon-1:00pm (EST) to describe the FY2024 RFA.
The next Workshop for Applied Nuclear Data Activities (WANDA2024) will be held on December 12, 1:00-2:00pm (ET).
DOE Announced $46M for Commercial Fusion Energy Development. See the DOE announcement for more details.
The FY2024 INFUSE Mini-Workshop will be held on Nov. 9.
The Office of Science in the Department of Energy invites interested parties to provide input on potential technological approaches to meet the needs of the Fusion Energy Sciences (FES) program for a Fusion Prototypic Neutron Source (FPNS) and on potential ways to accelerate the construction and delivery of such a facility, including partnerships with the […]
The INFUSE leadership team would like to hold periodic virtual Townhall meetings to discuss various issues around the program, to give information and get feedback. The first Townhall will be held on April 13 at noon EST. The following will be topics for discussion: The annual workshop – where, when, what, and how? What should […]
The FY2023 RFA applications will open on February 27 and will close on March 31 at noon (EDT). A webinar will be held on February 23 at noon EST. Go to the RFA Announcements and Submissions page for more information. Connection information for the webinar is posted here.
Connection information for the February 23, noon (EST) webinar regarding the 2023 Request for Applications (RFA) is below: Join Zoom Meeting https://pppl.zoom.us/j/94998896434?pwd=b3Fib0o0RXg2RGQ0T3hIaEVoSzRPUT09 Meeting ID: 949 9889 6434 Passcode: INFUSEweb One tap mobile +17866351003,,94998896434#,,,,*146820474# US (Miami) +12678310333,,94998896434#,,,,*146820474# US (Philadelphia) Dial by your location +1 786 635 1003 US (Miami) +1 267 831 0333 US (Philadelphia) +1 […]
The 43rd Fusion Power Associates meeting was held December 7-8 in Washington, DC, including sessions on “Private Sector and Partnerships”. Presentations can be accessed here.
The 2023 SOFE meeting is scheduled for July 9-13 in Oxford, UK. The program will include a panel session on public-private partnerships. More information about the conference can be accessed at the web site. The abstract deadline has been extended to January 31.